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Thich Nhat Hanh's 8-week course - Body and Mind Are One

Thich Nhat Hanh's 8-week course - Body and Mind Are One

A Invitation to Embrace the Miraculousness of Your Life

Have you ever attended a teaching session or dharma talk, not knowing what to expect, and then experienced profound support, instruction, and illumination that had a lasting impact on you?

Many people who have had the opportunity to learn with Thich Nhat Hanh often describe him as a rare and exceptional teacher.

The Zen master emits a sense of freedom and lovingkindness that is a dharma transmission in itself. However, his intellectual clarity is also noteworthy. Thay, referred to by his students, has a skill for presenting the intricate concepts of Buddhism—interbeing, emptiness, samadhi, the seeds of store consciousness, and others—in a manner that is easily understood.

The practices that he offers are unique and refreshing. They involve simple breathing-based mantras that allow us to directly experience profound concepts on a felt level.

This program includes.

Enjoy complete Dharma Talks on video with Thich Nhat Hanh. This eight-week experience includes seven hours of beautiful high-definition sessions that you can download and enjoy at your convenience.

Audio versions of the entire program are available for those who prefer the convenience of just listening or for those who want to enjoy it on their phone at any time and place.

Two Q&A Video Sessions were recorded at this retreat, where Sister Lang Nghiem and Brother Phap Hai answered questions to provide clarification for your learning experience.

After each session, we will provide you with important questions to write and reflect on your experiences, allowing you to fully integrate them into your life.

Engage in weekly exercises to enhance your practice and transition from conceptual knowledge to personal experience and self-discovery.

Three Valuable Bonus Gifts:

  • The Art of Mindful Living offers guided practices to help transform suffering through joyful presence and refresh and ground oneself.
  • The Present Moment is an audio retreat that complements the Body and Mind Are One program.
  • "Drops of Emptiness" is a collection of soothing bell invitations, chants, and poetry presented by the brothers and sisters of Plum Village.

What you’ll learn

By joining Thich Nhat Hanh, you will learn techniques to reconnect with your body, which can lead to feelings of peace, presence, and personal development.

You can enroll in Thich Nhat Hanh's eight week online program - Body and Mind Are One - to transform your fear, anger, and sadness through awareness, self-compassion, and deep insight.

Learn about the methods to cultivate happiness and freedom within yourself.

Return to your physical body, which is a gateway to peace, mindfulness, and personal development.

Address your regrets about the past and anxieties about the future.

Transform your feelings of fear, anger, and sadness through the power of awareness, self-compassion, and profound insight.

Cultivate feelings of happiness and freedom within yourself.

Reconnect with both loved ones and acquaintances.

Experience the wonders and joys of life in this present moment, and beyond.

About Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh was a Zen master in the Vietnamese tradition, as well as a scholar, poet, and peace activist. He founded the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon and taught at both Columbia University and the Sorbonne. Thich Nhat Hanh wrote over 60 books, including the widely popular Living Buddha, Living Christ. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967 by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Session 1: The Energies of the Buddha

We have the ability to connect with the present moment and realize that everything we seek is accessible to us right now. In this session, we begin with a chant to bring the sangha together, which refers to the community of practitioners worldwide. The session highlights the learning of mindfulness and concentration, which can bring insight and open the doorway to the wonders of life.

The Buddha possesses three energies: mindfulness, concentration, and insight.

“One in-breath and one out-breath”

The mind can be guided away from fear and sorrow, bringing comfort to the body.

Explore a reality that transcends separation, illusions, and fear.

Session 2 is titled "The Insight of Co-Being."

One of the significant insights that emerges from practicing mindfulness is the understanding and direct experience of co-being, also known as interbeing. In Session 2, we delve into this concept and its connection to foundational Buddhist concepts such as The Four Noble Truths, The Three Jewels, and karma.

Session 3: Mindful Walking

When walking, you have the opportunity for peace and mindfulness to enter your body. Walking mindfully enables individuals to experience the wonders that exist in the present moment. This session discusses the practice of walking meditation and other everyday activities as a means to cultivate mindfulness.

Session Highlights

The act of walking on earth is a phenomenon.

The practice of arriving with every step is a walking meditation.

We are all connected.

This session focuses on emotions and mental formations.

This session allows us to gain insight into our emotions and mental formations, so that we can consciously guide and care for them. We will explore methods of nurturing both positive and negative emotions and thoughts, treating them like plants in a garden, in order to foster a healthy and productive mindset.

Session Highlights

Engaging with intense emotions.

Nurturing the positive thoughts within oneself to make them grow.

Seeking freedom from our troubles.

Session 5: Mindfulness in Our Relationships

In relationships, there is an opportunity to develop compassion in a meaningful manner. This explores the ways in which we are impacted by our loved ones and how our actions can reciprocally cause harm. In this program, we will explore the practice of mindfulness in relationships and cultivate a sense of interconnectedness.

Session Highlights

Love without any form of discrimination.

To love is to have consciousness.

Sharing our emotions and experiences can help us heal and strengthen our relationships.

Session 6: Moving Beyond Our Notions

Through mindfulness practice, it is revealed that many of our core beliefs may not be as they appear - birth and death, sameness and otherness, and even the concept of "self." This session assists in perceiving an "ultimate reality" that is concealed beyond our incorrect ideas, and in freeing ourselves from the suffering caused by those notions.

Session Highlights

The concept of relative and ultimate truth.

"The Life of a Flame" is a lesson on the concept of "No Coming, No Going."

The Diamond Sutra discusses methods to overcome discrimination, fear, and shame.

Session 7: Watering the Seed of Compassion

Previously, it was discovered that there are seeds present within our store consciousness. When watered, they become conscious. Compassion is considered one of the most powerful seeds of store consciousness. By practicing heart-centered listening and loving speech, we can foster growth and development. In this lesson, we will learn various methods to accomplish this.

Session Highlights

The Five Mindfulness Trainings address intolerance, anger, fear, and despair for transformation.

Bringing about peace in the world

The practice of deep listening

Session 8: Liberation Through Mindfulness

This session will discuss The Four Nutriments: the impact of our consumption of physical and mental "food" such as what we eat, read, watch, and listen to. Finally, we conclude by examining The Three Doors of Liberation, which are objects of concentration that have the potential to liberate us from suffering.

Session Highlights:

The Four Nutriments

The Three Doors of Liberation—emptiness, signlessness, and aimlessness

Closing teachings and practices

Who this course is for?

This course is designed for individuals who have an interest in learning about Buddhist philosophy and mindfulness.

Individuals who desire to practice mindfulness for inner and outer peace and wellbeing.

People interested in learning about how mindfulness can help them connect with others.

Those interested in starting or furthering their meditation practice

Individuals who have an interest in studying Buddhist teachings may consider learning from a renowned master such as Thich Nhat Hanh.

Anyone who wants to enhance their mindfulness practice.

Individuals who aspire to promote love and compassion.

Individuals who desire inner peace and harmonious relationships with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics are covered in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Body and Mind Are One course?

The topics covered in the course include: mindful movement, yoga, meditation and chanting; relative and ultimate truth; the life of a flame; the Diamond Sutra; the five mindfulness trainings; the four nutriments; and the three doors of liberation.

What are the benefits of taking Thich Nhat Hanh’s Body and Mind Are One course?

The benefits of taking this course include learning practical exercises to be conscious of one’s body and mind, as well as cultivating compassion, understanding relative and ultimate truth , and fostering peace in the world.

What is the philosophy behind Thich Nhat Hanh's body and mind being one?

The philosophy behind Thich Nhat Hanh's body and mind being one is that the body and mind are not separate entities, but rather two aspects of the same whole. He believes that our physical bodies and our minds are inextricably linked, so when we experience mental or physical suffering, both aspects are impacted. He advocates for mindful living as a means to cultivate self-awareness and develop compassion, which in turn can lead to greater physical and mental well-being.

What type of exercises are included in this course?

The Thich Nhat Hanh's Body and Mind Are One course includes a variety of exercises designed to promote physical and mental well-being. The program emphasizes the importance of mindful movement, yoga, meditation, and chanting as methods for self-care. Through engaging in these activities, participants can gain greater awareness of their bodies and minds, as well as learn to develop more compassionate relationships with themselves.

Sign up today for Thich Nhat Hanh's eight week online course - Body and Mind Are One and experience the wonders and joys of "heaven on earth"—not in an afterlife, but in this very moment

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