
The information provided by CourseLifetime ("we," "us" or "our") on https://courselifetime.com (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. The information provided on the Site is presented in good faith. However, we do not provide any representation or guarantee whatsoever, whether express or implied, about the accuracy, completeness of the information, its validity, reliability the availability, completeness or accuracy of any information provided on the Site. Under no circumstances will we be liable against you to compensate you for damage or loss that may arise due to the use of the website or any information on the website. Your use of the website and the information you rely on provided on the site is entirely to your risk.


The Site could contain (or you could be notified via the Site) hyperlinks to other websites, or content originated by or belonging to third parties or links to other websites and banners, as well as other advertisements. These external links aren't evaluated and monitored or verified to ensure accuracy and reliability, validity and completeness by us. We don't provide any warranty, endorsement, or guarantee or take the responsibility for the accuracy, or the reliability of any information made available by websites of third parties connected to this site or any other feature or website associated with any advertising banner or any other. Our company will never be party to, or in any way be accountable to monitor any transactions between you and any third-party provider of services or products.


Disclosure: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase them, we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

The Site may include hyperlinks to websites affiliated with us, and we may earn an affiliate fee for all purchases you make through the affiliate website through these hyperlinks. Our affiliates are:

  • CJ Affiliate by Conversant
  • PayKickstart
  • ShareASale
  • Rakuten Affiliate Network

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program as an affiliate program that is designed to provide the opportunity to earn advertising revenue through connecting to Amazon.com and associated websites.


The Site might contain testimonials written by people who have used products and/or services. These testimonials are based on the actual experiences and opinions of these users. However, these experience of these users is unique to particular users and might not be representative of all customers using the services or products. We don't guarantee that, and you shouldn't think that all users will experience similar experiences. YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY.

The testimonials that are posted on the Site are submitted in different forms, including audio, text and/or video. They are examined by us prior to being published. They are displayed on the Site exactly as they were written by users, with the exception of for corrections to mistakes in grammar or typing. Some testimonials might be shortened to make them more concise in cases where the full testimonial included additional information that was not relevant in the eyes of the average person.

The opinions and views expressed in the testimonials are solely those of to the user who submitted them and do not represent our opinions and views. We do not have any affiliation with the users who submit testimonials and they aren't paid or compensated for their testimonials.

The testimonials available on the Site do not intend, nor should they be read as a claim that our products or services are able to treat, diagnose or treat or prevent employed to treat or prevent any medical or other health condition. The testimonials are not tested or proven clinically.