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82% Off Tailwind CSS From Scratch | Learn By Building Projects | Udemy Review & Coupon

82% Off Tailwind CSS From Scratch | Learn By Building Projects | Udemy Review & Coupon

Tailwind CSS utility classes can be used to create efficient and visually appealing layouts quickly.

This course covers:

Tailwind CSS From Scratch | Learn By Building Projects is an online course designed to help you master Tailwind CSS from the ground up. This comprehensive 12.5-hour on-demand video course provides step-by-step instruction, covering topics such as basic styling and layout, responsive design, customizing Tailwind components, and more. Along with the videos, you'll also get access to 10 downloadable resources and a certificate of completion at the end.

What you'll learn

This course is great for any web designer looking to get up to speed with the Tailwind utility classes. In this course, you'll learn how to create and edit layouts quickly, as well as learn the various utility classes that makeup Tailwind. You'll have access to a code sandbox so you can play around with the classes and gain a better understanding of them. On top of that, you'll also be building several projects throughout the course – 5 mini-projects and 6 website projects – which will help solidify your knowledge.

If you need help setting up your dev environment to work with Tailwind, then this course has got you covered. You'll learn how to use the Tailwind CLI in order to configure your styles and create custom layouts too. With all of these skills under your belt, you could soon find yourself creating gorgeous websites using the Tailwind design system quicker than ever before!

About Instructor

Brad Traversy is an experienced web developer and instructor who has been programming for nearly 12 years and teaching for five years. He runs Traversy Media, a successful programming YouTube channel, where he shares his knowledge of everything from HTML5 to front-end frameworks to server-side technologies. Brad is well-known for his ability to explain complex problems in a simple and straightforward manner that is easy to understand. Those new to the world of coding can benefit from the wealth of videos that Brad has created, giving them invaluable insight into the world of coding. In addition, those with existing knowledge will also find their expertise greatly benefited by engaging with Brad’s courses as they can focus on more intricate technical details within any chosen language or framework. Investing your time and energy into learning code under Brad’s guidance could be incredibly beneficial as it will give you real-world skills that are applicable within programming jobs today.


Understanding and knowing the basics of CSS is essential to any work done with websites. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it is used to help create the look and feel of a website. It helps to control the styling of a site, including how text appears on a page, page layout, and color schemes. Without having an understanding of the fundamental building blocks of CSS, it can be extremely difficult or even impossible for a person to properly design a website.


This is a fun project-based course to learn how to create awesome layouts using the Tailwind CSS framework and get comfortable using utility classes over something like Bootstrap, which uses component-based classes. Let's take a look at the outline for this course...

 The Sandbox

I don't want to jump right into the projects, though you certainly could if you want. So the first two sections, we will be working in a coding sandbox. In every new video in these sections, we will have a new file to experiment with and learn all about a certain aspect of Tailwind. For example, we will have pages/videos for colors, typography, spacing, flex classes, and much more. This allows us to essential touch on all parts of Tailwind in a specific order, rather than just jumping right into projects.


Next, we will take what we learn in the sandbox environment and use it to create some small projects. These are things that will take 10 - 20 minutes to create and we will do it all in one video per project. The mini-projects include

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I may even add more mini-projects later. These will help you get your feet wet by creating something.

Website Projects

Our upcoming projects will involve the development of larger landing-page websites. This will serve as a practical application of what you have learned. There are a total of 6 websites. The appearance of all of them is modern and clean. Our company collaborated with Frontend Mentor for the design aspect. Certain projects may utilize JavaScript for various purposes such as implementing hamburger menus, tabs, and validation. Now, let's review the projects.

The Clipboard Website is a straightforward landing page for a software product. The focus is primarily on flexbox and alignment. There are some background images and other related visuals.

The Loopstudios website features VR technology, a responsive mobile menu with JavaScript, and gradient overlay effects.

Shortly is a website that offers a tool for shortening links. The menu will be designed to be responsive and JavaScript will be utilized for form validation and DOM manipulation.

The Testimonial Grid project is centered around utilizing Tailwind's grid classes.

The Fylo product page includes a feature for both light and dark modes. JavaScript code will be incorporated to save the color mode to local storage. Additionally, a tab component will be implemented for the FAQ section to enhance its interactivity.

This is a landing page for a bookmark manager extension. The website will feature dynamic background images, a hamburger menu, and tabs utilizing JavaScript.

This course is intended for:

This course is designed for those who want to become proficient in the website and user interface (UI) design. Whether you are a beginner or looking to take your web design skills to the next level, this course covers essential principles and techniques that will help you create well-designed interactive web experiences. The course focuses on fundamental concepts such as responsive layout, grid systems, typography, color theory, and appropriate use of images. In addition, it provides instruction on specific methods used to create UI layouts including sketching conceptions, creating clickable wireframes, prototyping interfaces with tools like Figma and Adobe XD, and implementing the final product with web languages HTML/CSS.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Excellent course set up!

The preliminary sandbox for larger projects was successful. I found it more beneficial for Brad to type out most of the code rather than using copy and paste, as repetition is an effective learning strategy.

Excellent project-based approach to learning and applying Tailwind.

The instructor guides students through a series of small projects that increase in complexity, following a similar approach as in his other courses. He is efficient with his time while ensuring that you don't feel pressured. The case study doesn't have intricate animations or numerous moving parts, but it provides small examples of all the components of Tailwind.

Pawan V.
Great course.

The instruction is structured with a methodical, step-by-step approach. Repeated practice will help to solidify understanding of the tailwind classes. It is recommended to have a background in CSS in order to fully benefit from this class. The multiple projects approach can serve as a solid foundation for starting new projects.

Marko B.
This course is amazing!

This course is a fantastic course that takes the student on a hands-on journey to learning and applying Tailwind. This project-based approach allows you to gradually build up your knowledge of Tailwind as you work through several small projects of increasing complexity. The instructor does an excellent job of walking you through every step in a straightforward manner, similar to his other courses. The course is designed so that you won’t feel rushed, but at the same time, there is no wasted time either.

This course doesn't really provide a great stress test for Tailwind as there aren't a lot of moving parts or complex animations to work with. However, you'll still be able to get an understanding of Tailwind and how it works by exploring the small projects provided. You'll also find examples of just about everything in this course, so you'll get a comprehensive view of Tailwind's capabilities.

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