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81% Off React - The Complete Guide 2023 (incl. React Router & Redux) | Udemy Review & Coupon

81% Off React - The Complete Guide 2023 (incl. React Router & Redux) | Udemy Review & Coupon

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Begin your React.js journey with a comprehensive overview of the framework. Gain expertise in Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and more.

This course encompasses:

React - The Complete Guide is an on-demand video course that provides learners with the essential skills and knowledge to build dynamic, high-quality user interfaces. This comprehensive learning program includes 48 hours of video content, 50 detailed articles, 94 downloadable resources, 13 coding exercises and assignments, a certificate of completion, closed captions, and mobile and TV access for a convenient learning experience.

You will acquire knowledge.

React – The Complete Guide is an all-encompassing introduction to the world of React JavaScript library. This course is designed to give learners the ability to create powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps with ease. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of React functionalities and its application for high-paid jobs or as a freelancer in one of the most in-demand fields in Web development.

With this course, learners will have the option to learn about React Hooks and Components which are both essential components used by React developers. Through numerous video lessons and exercises, users will first learn the fundamentals of modern JavaScript ES6 before moving onto topics such as React components & state management, using Webpack & Babel, Redux framework with Thunk/Saga middleware & tools like ImmutableJS, Router 5/Redux Little router & more. Additionally, they'll also get a full introduction to using Axios or Fetch authentications; AJAX & APIs; unit testing; working with environment variables and setting up Cloud Services such as Heroku amongst others. As part of the comprehensive package they will receive throughout their learning journey with this course they will even be taught how to deploy their web applications on different

Information regarding the author

Maximilian Schwarzmüller holds an AWS certification and is a professional web developer and instructor.

Web Development Experience

Starting at age 12, he continually acquired programming skills and languages. He began making websites for friends and himself, and also explored non-web languages such Python. His ardor led him to work freelance in web development and consulting – a position that provides great satisfaction and continues to fuel his passion.

He began developing web applications on the backend - utilizing such technologies as PHP with Laravel, NodeJS, and Python. As his skillset developed, he increasingly leaned towards frontend development utilizing contemporary frameworks like React, Angular, and VueJS in many projects. He now enjoys working within both realms of development.

He has expertise in full-stack application development, DevOps, and cloud architecture, demonstrated by his acquisition of multiple AWS certifications including the Solutions Architect Professional certification.

Having a degree in Business Administration from a Master's program, I was able to gain experience and develop my skill set in major strategy consultancies and banking. During this time, I also discovered that my preference for development outweighed these fields.

Teaching experience.

He is a self-taught professional and has in-depth knowledge about the most difficult topics when it comes to mastering new languages or developing existing ones. His expertise in this area allows him to identify the most crucial concepts and topics, which is supported by his 5-star rated courses on Udemy with over 2 million students enrolled.

He has received positive feedback while working as a development instructor or instructing in Business Administration. The greatest reward is to observe how people gain new employment, construct successful web applications, attain impressive initiatives or take pleasure in their hobby with the help of his content.

Manuel Lorenz and he established Academind with the goal of providing their over 2,000,000 students with a high-quality learning experience.


The course requires the knowledge of fundamentals in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It does not require any prior experience of React or other JS frameworks, so even if you are a beginner you can still succeed in the course. To make it easier for those who are just getting started, it covers all the basics from variables to loops and functions.

It is beneficial to learn ES6+ JavaScript but it is not necessary as long as you know the basics. The course teaches exactly what you need to know without needing to become a JavaScript expert right away. All you have to focus on is understanding concepts such as building React components and modern programming practices. You also learn how to write clean code that is easy to debug and test. With this, you will be able to quickly grow your coding skillset while mastering React effectively.


React.js is the most popular and widely used JavaScript library today, designed to help developers create modern and reactive user interfaces for the web. This course is thoroughly up-to-date with React 18 (the latest version of React), and offers a comprehensive exploration of the library's features. The course begins by teaching the basics of React, then builds upon those foundations with more advanced topics such as state management, data fetching, and React Router. Every module has been completely updated and re-recorded from the ground up so that learners are provided with all of the core modern features they need to know for effective use of React.

In addition to providing an in-depth look at React, this course also allows students to choose between two paths depending on their time commitments: the “complete” path which consists of a comprehensive forty hour module or the “summary” path which consists of a shorter four hours module covering just the highlights. Through both paths, learners walk away with a deep understanding of how to use React in order to program efficient user interfaces for websites.

React.js is a popular JavaScript library used to create modern, reactive user interface for web applications.

This course covers React in detail, from the fundamental concepts to the advanced topics, introducing step-by-step instructions and demonstrating a variety of examples.

This course covers a comprehensive range of theory, examples, demos, assignments, and exercises. It provides thorough knowledge that is often overlooked by other resources - this is why it is so substantial.

If you're not sure why you should learn React, don't worry: this course will detail its importance and explain why it's vital for web developers.

This is an introduction to the "React - The Complete Guide" course.

This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to use React.js according to best practices and the latest patterns. By learning the fundamentals and advanced concepts of React.js, you will be able to become an experienced developer with the framework.

This course is comprehensive; it includes all the necessary information and learning to become a React.js developer.

Whether you have no familiarity with React, or if you are familiar with it, this course can provide you useful information and knowledge.

Maximilian Schwarzmüller's aim in this course is to help you become confident using React, so that you can consider React job opportunities, use it in your own projects, or include it in your portfolio as a developer - this course will help you achieve whatever goal you have set.

He first created this course in 2017 and has since regularly updated it, culminating in a full recasting of the course in 2021. His commitment to keeping the course up-to-date ensures that learners have access to the best possible resources for learning React.

What content is this course comprised of?

An overview of React.js, including its purpose and benefits.

The core rudiments of React include how it works, constructing components and developing interfaces with the technology.

The framework includes components, props and dynamic data binding.

Developing interactive applications by incorporating user events and state.

Gaining a deeper understanding of the inner workings of React.

This tutorial provides guidance on working with lists and conditional content.

An in-depth look at React Hooks.

The use of built-in Hooks and the creation of custom Hooks are good options for developers.

Debugging React Apps.

React apps can be styled using Styled Components and CSS Modules.

Collaborating with "Fragments" and "Portals"

Handling side effects.

Components can be class-based or functional.

Sending Http requests & handling transitional states + responses

Additional information about the curriculum can be found on this page.

This is the "Complete Guide" as was advertised.

This course is suitable for...

This course is designed for students who want to learn how to build reactive and fast web apps with modern tools. It's perfect for anyone interested in new technologies and getting ahead of the curve with React.js, a powerful tool that’s being adopted by big-name tech companies like Netflix. If you want to take your web development skills up a notch, this course is perfect for you; it'll equip you with the confidence, knowledge and experience necessary to produce great products using a cutting-edge technology that will be highly relevant for years to come. You'll get hands-on access to a professional React.js development environment and learn core principles such as components, Props & Styling plus advanced topics like Flux, Redux and ES6 from an industry expert instructor. Along the way, you'll also gain valuable tips and best practices critical to delivering successful projects in today's ever-evolving high demand web space.

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81% Off React - The Complete Guide 2023 (incl. React Router & Redux) | Udemy Review & Coupon
81% Off React - The Complete Guide 2023 (incl. React Router & Redux) | Udemy Review & Coupon
81% Off React - The Complete Guide 2023 (incl. React Router & Redux) | Udemy Review & Coupon
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