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90% Off Holistic Health & Nutrition Certification: Full Diploma | Udemy Review & Coupon

90% Off Holistic Health & Nutrition Certification: Full Diploma | Udemy Review & Coupon

This course offers certification in dieting for health, fitness, and wellness, teaching participants how to create holistic diets and meal plans while becoming nutrition experts.

This course covers:

If you’re looking to become certified in Holistic Health & Nutrition, then this comprehensive full diploma course is the perfect fit. With 8 hours of on-demand video, 4 articles, and 9 downloadable resources, you’ll learn all that you need to know about holistic health and nutrition.

This course provides lifetime access to the content, so you can revisit any topics at any time. In addition, you’ll receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course.

What you'll learn

Upon completion, participants will receive a CPD certificate and 10 credits.

This course covers the basics of healthy and holistic diets, including information on calories, protein, carbs, fat, and more.

Develop a diet plan to achieve your health and fitness objectives.

Discover the importance of essential vitamins and minerals and how to obtain sufficient amounts.

Discover how nutrition can help resolve common health issues, such as adrenal fatigue.

Maximize nutrient levels and promote detoxification.

About the author

Felix Harder

Felix is a coach and author with certification. Throughout his career, he has instructed and mentored a total of 100,000 students hailing from various parts of the globe.

He possesses knowledge and proficiency in science-based personal development, as well as health and fitness advice across various areas:

- Self Improvement

- Stress Management

- Life Coaching

- Fat Loss & Muscle Growth

- Bodybuilding & Gym Workouts 

- Meal Planning & Healthy Living 

Improving oneself through personal development can be achieved without excessive difficulty.

To succeed, it is important to have effective strategies and essential tips for starting and maintaining motivation. He shares his teachings through his courses, blog, and books.

Rick Fischer

Rick has extensive knowledge and expertise in mineral-based health and nutrition education, making him a leading authority in the field. Rick's work in the field of copper toxicity has had a significant impact and is frequently cited by professionals in the field. As a health instructor focused on minerals, he has trained numerous wellness professionals to grasp the links between mineral imbalance, physical and mental health, and energy. In addition to his other responsibilities, Rick provides clinical support to clients around the globe.


If you’re interested in pursuing a Holistic Health & Nutrition Certification, you don’t need to worry about having any prior health knowledge or certification. This full diploma program is designed to teach learners the basics of holistic health and nutrition and equip them with the necessary skills needed to become certified professionals in this field.

The course requirements for this program include completing both online and offline activities, such as lectures, exercises, quizzes, and tests. The course will also require the participant to complete an independent research project related to health and nutrition. Additionally, a final examination must be taken in order to receive certification.


Discover the principles of holistic nutrition and develop a personalized meal plan for yourself or your clients.

Throughout the course, the instructor will guide you through each step of becoming a holistic nutrition expert. The course will provide instruction on creating meal plans that are effective and can be customized for personal or client use.

The program contains the following content:

The topic of discussion is nutrition theory.

  • The topics of calories and macronutrients are being discussed.
  • A guide on calculating your recommended calorie intake.
  • This is a guide on how to calculate your macronutrients, including protein, carbs, and fat.

Vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy diet.

  • An explanation of vitamins A through K and their recommended daily intake.
  • Learn about the recommended daily intake of minerals, including calcium and zinc.
  • A standard blood test may not be sufficient to detect most deficiencies.
  • A guide on identifying and addressing nutrient deficiencies accurately.

Lessons on holistic nutrition.

  • The main factors contributing to adrenal fatigue.
  • Methods for treating adrenal fatigue.
  • Nutrient deficiencies and imbalances have been linked to burnout.
  • Ways to reduce oxidative stress and increase antioxidants.

Improving health through holistic nutrition.

  • Ways to improve digestion optimization.
  • A guide to raising stomach acid levels, as the majority of people tend to have insufficient levels rather than excessive amounts.
  • Methods for enhancing thyroid function.
  • An explanation of the process of liver detoxification.
  • Exploring Nutritional Psychiatry: Understanding the Importance of Proper Nutrition for Mental Health.

Additional resources are available for download, including PDFs, eBooks, and printables

  • These course slides are available for printing.
  • This meal plan includes six meals and a workout.
  • A meal plan for losing fat includes specific values for calories, protein, carbs, and fat.
  • This meal plan includes precise values for calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat to support muscle growth.
  • A meal plan focused on vegan food.
  • Meals for before and after working out.
  • Here are some supplements that are recommended.

The nutrition for beginners program comprises various downloadable worksheets, eBooks, and other printable resources. By signing up, you gain access to all the resources, allowing you for studying anytime and anywhere.

The diet and nutrition certification is open to both professionals and beginners who seek to improve their health, even without a meal prep plan. Anyone with an interest in holistic nutrition can begin without requiring prior experience as a dietician or having any students.

This course is intended for:

Individuals interested in learning about dieting and holistic nutrition.

Individuals who are receptive to information about diets and nutrition.


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