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82% Off Complete Guide to Elasticsearch | Udemy Review & Coupon

82% Off Complete Guide to Elasticsearch | Udemy Review & Coupon

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Elasticsearch and guides learners in acquiring knowledge of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana) and Elastic Stack.

This course covers:

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the subject and provides a wealth of essential knowledge and skills. With 12.5 hours of on-demand video lectures, 4 articles, 2 downloadable resources, access on mobile and TV, plus a certificate of completion at the end, there's no doubt that this course will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the topic.

The videos cover comprehensive topics such as basic concepts and principles, fundamentals of programming languages, data structures and algorithms, mathematical foundations, software engineering techniques, and more. This ensures that students have all the key knowledge they need to approach complex problems confidently. The accompanying articles further develop participants’ thinking and critical analysis skills while addressing different aspects of the field. Meanwhile, the downloadable resources make it easy for students to get their hands on relevant stories or case studies related to the topics covered in the lectures. Finally, having access to mobile and TV devices allows participants to learn whenever it’s convenient for them. Completion of the course also comes with a certificate – making all the hard work worthwhile!

What you'll learn

Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine that is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to quickly and accurately match data with queries. In this course, you'll learn how to use Elasticsearch to create powerful search engines that can provide quick answers to user inquiries.

You'll learn the theory of how Elasticsearch works, including how the inverted index works, how documents are stored in Elasticsearch and analyzed by its query language, and more. Advanced topics such as filtering documents and writing complex search queries will also be explored in detail. Through hands-on learning, practice exercises, and real-world scenarios, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts related to Elasticsearch as well as proficiency with its terminology. By the end of this course, you'll be able to build your own advanced search engine that employs sophisticated algorithms for fast and accurate retrieval of information from a large data store.

About the author

Bo Andersen is a software engineer from Denmark.

He holds the position of lead developer and partner at a startup company, while also serving as a teacher at Udemy. Before becoming a software engineering teacher, he worked at a successful company in Denmark where he operated one of the largest websites.

He has a bachelor's degree in computer science and has been working in programming for ten years. He began his coding journey by creating websites during his free time and has since gained experience with various technologies including Python, PHP, Postgres, MySQL, Docker, AWS, and more. Further to the ELK Stack and Elastic Stack.


Having knowledge of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is essential for anyone looking to work with data in a structured way. JSON stores data similarly to XML, but with a more manageable syntax. With JSON, entire structures of data can be encoded into strings that are highly readable and easily transferable between applications. Working with this type of format requires knowledge of some programming concepts such as variables, objects, and key-value pairs. It also means understanding how different types of data interact, such as numbers and strings.

Having basic terminal skills is beneficial when it comes to working with JSON. The easiest way to manipulate data stored in this format is usually through the command line interface where functions can be written directly into the terminal window. Knowing how to execute these functions can streamline the process for users and increase productivity when dealing with larger amounts of information. Also, having some familiarity with programming languages like Python or JavaScript will prove helpful if one ever needs to come up with customized solutions for their work involving JSON data.


Elasticsearch is a highly powerful and versatile search engine that allows users to quickly find and retrieve the desired information. This course is designed to help the user become a proficient Elasticsearch user in a short amount of time. Through an interactive, step-by-step approach, users will learn all the fundamentals of Elasticsearch from the ground up. This online course will include explanations of concepts such as core components, data ingesting and querying strategies, mapping schemes, distributed clusters, snapshots and restore processes.

In addition to theory-based learning modules and interactive activities, this course also includes hands-on learning components to help develop real-world skills in using Elasticsearch efficiently. By providing examples of various use cases and practical applications for the technology, users can further their knowledge through our comprehensive tutorial. Even those who are already familiar with other search engines will benefit from certification in Elasticsearch as it is the center of the new ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana). With successful completion of this course, aim to be a certified Elasticsearch professional!

The course is designed for beginners and does not assume any prior knowledge or experience with Elasticsearch. Our presentation will cover all essential components of Elasticsearch. Upon finishing this course, one will have the ability to apply Elasticsearch to various use cases and objectives:

Developing a comprehensive text search engine, such as one comparable to Google Search.

Data analytics can be performed on large amounts of data using aggregations.

Elasticsearch can be utilized as a time series database (TSDB).

... additionally, there are further options available.

When used alongside other products in the Elastic Stack, such as Logstash or Kibana, additional features can be accessed, including:

Log management and log analysis are important aspects of information technology.

Observability encompasses server and service monitoring, as well as Application Performance Monitoring (APM).

... additional items are available.

This course is intended for:

This course is perfect for developers who want to master Elasticsearch. It covers the fundamentals of this powerful search and analytics engine, providing an introduction to the various components, query syntax, and data structures that make up the Elasticsearch system. You will learn how to index, store, and retrieve documents using Elasticsearch, as well as search for documents using a number of different criteria and methods. Furthermore, the course teaches you about configuring clusters for optimal performance, replication strategies, backup strategies, and strategies related to monitoring and troubleshooting. In addition to core Elasticsearch features, this course covers some of the popular add-ons like X-Pack Security and Watcher Alerting.

Elasticsearch is growing in popularity among web developers due to its powerful features and scalability. This course provides all of the necessary concepts, terms, and techniques for rapidly getting up to speed with understanding how Elasticsearch works so that you can quickly reap its benefits within your own software development projects and systems. Moreover, it’s suitable both for beginners and existing advanced users looking to broaden their mastery of it. Regardless of your skill level when starting out with this course, you should come away with a greater understanding of all aspects related to this amazing technology stack!


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