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82% Off [NEW] Building Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud | Udemy Review & Coupon

82% Off [NEW] Building Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud | Udemy Review & Coupon

The course offers guidance on constructing microservices with technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, React, Kafka, RabbitMQ, REST API, Docker, and IntelliJ IDEA.

This course covers:

If you want to learn how to create and deploy microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, then this course is perfect for you. This comprehensive course includes 25 hours of on-demand video, assignments, 44 articles, 31 downloadable resources, access on mobile and TV, and a certificate of completion.

What you'll learn

This workshop aims to teach students how to build microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. It will cover the important aspects of building REST API’s using Spring Boot, including core annotations for Spring MVC. In addition, students will have the chance to learn how to create CRUD REST API’s using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA and a MySQL database. The workshop will also cover DTO Pattern (Data Transfer Object) in a Spring Boot application, introducing mapping libraries like ModelMapper or MapStruct. Finally, it will delve into exception handling within a Spring Boot context.

Overall this workshop aims to equip participants with the skills required to develop modern web applications using microservices architecture with both the powerful Spring Framework and stable ecosystems from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). With these newly acquired skills, participants should be able to confidently prepare for any further challenges that arise as they progress through their career towards becoming an enterprise software engineer.

About the author

Ramesh Fadatare is an experienced Software Engineer who has been in the field for nearly 10 years. With knowledge of open source technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, Angular, and React, he is highly qualified and competent. As a Vmware Spring Certified Professional, Ramesh is constantly growing and developing his skills to better serve his clients and in furthering his education.

Additionally, he operates a top-tier blog website entitled ‘Java Guides’ where he regularly updates with new and relevant information for budding programmers to gain insight from. His YouTube channel which is now brimming with fans numbering 102k+ allow him to showcase more tips and tricks contained within programming that people may find useful. Additionally on GitHub where he has over 3K followers, one can look through around 200+ free sample projects which could be quite something if preferred by one who seeks extraordinary help in understanding something more technical about Java/Java EE or debugging. All his courses are only found Udemy platform hence registering online could fetch him all the desired tutorials with ease.


This course covers the fundamentals of Microservices development using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, React, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Docker and REST API (REST Web Services). This comprehensive course utilizes the latest versions of these technologies; users will be able to build large scale applications following DDD principles. In the process of navigating through various lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a deeper understanding of architecture design patterns to build more secure microservices with features such as authorisation/authentication and load balancing.

Moreover, those who choose to take this course will also learn how to connect all these microservices together for them to work as if they were a single application. They will deepen their overall knowledge regarding best practices related to developing resilient cloud native applications as well as improving user experience through proper deployment cycles that employ continuous integration and delivery pipelines. In general, this course provides users with an ideal stepping stone towards mastering sophisticated architecture techniques required for enterprise grade web applications.


A microservice is a service that is built around a specific business capability and can be deployed independently. To build large enterprise applications, one approach is to identify the sub-domains of the main business domain and build each sub-domain as a MicroService using Domain Driven Design (DDD) techniques. However, it is necessary to ensure that all these microservices are integrated to provide a seamless user experience as if it were a unified application.

What makes Spring boot and Spring cloud good choices for MicroServices?

Spring Boot is a widely utilized Java framework for constructing Microservices that is highly regarded. Currently, many organizations opt to deploy their applications in a Cloud environment rather than managing their own data center. However, it is necessary to ensure proper management of all aspects in order to create Cloud Native applications. The beauty of Spring Cloud is evident.

Spring Cloud is an implementation of design patterns used for building Cloud Native applications. Instead of creating something new, we can use different Spring Cloud modules and concentrate on our main business issue rather than being concerned about infrastructure.

What you'll learn

  • Learn about building RESTful web services using Spring Boot and important Spring MVC annotations.
  • Create CRUD REST APIs by utilizing Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and a MySQL Database.
  • The process of building Spring Boot Microservices in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Microservices Communication can be achieved using RestTemplate, WebClient, and Spring Cloud OpenFeign.
  • Implement Service Registry and Discovery using Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka.
  • The topic covers load balancing with Eureka server and Open Feign using Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
  • How to create an API Gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway.
  • The use of Spring Cloud Config Server enables centralized configurations.
  • Auto Refresh Config Changes is a feature in Spring Cloud Bus.
  • The topic of distributed tracing is covered in Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.
  • Resilience4J includes patterns such as Circuit Breaker, Retry, and RateLimiter.
  • A new microservice is being added to an existing project in a step-by-step manner.
  • Develop a React frontend microservice and integrate it with backend microservices.
  • Discover the process of migrating existing projects to the latest version.
  • Discover the process of generating REST API documentation.
  • A step-by-step guide on docking a Spring Boot application.
  • A step-by-step guide to creating a Dockerized Spring Boot MySQL CRUD application.
  • A step-by-step guide on using Docker Compose to containerize a Spring Boot MySQL CRUD application.
  • Event-Driven Microservices are implemented using Spring Boot and Kafka.
  • Find out how to utilize RabbitMQ in your Spring Boot application.
  • Discover how to utilize Kafka in a Spring Boot application.
  • The Kafka Spring Boot project focuses on the development of a real-world Wikimedia project.
  • Event-Driven Microservices are implemented using Spring boot and RabbitMQ.


The requirements for this course are primarily focused around Java software development. A familiarity with the IntelliJ IDEA IDE is essential, as it will be used extensively throughout the course. Fortunately, prior experience building Spring Boot REST APIs isn't necessary as students will learn from scratch how to create and deploy their own services. Furthermore, having no prior knowledge of Microservices won’t be a problem either; participants are taught the fundamentals behind this architecture within the module. Equally, those without any existing Docker experience need not worry as everything required to become familiar with container deployment is covered during the lectures.

This course is intended for:

This course is designed for Java developers looking to strengthen their skillset in creating enterprise grade, distributed systems. It will help participants understand best practices and gain an in-depth understanding of building RESTful Web services and Microservices using the popular Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Kafka, RabbitMQ and Docker frameworks. Through practical application and instructor tutorials, participants will become comfortable applying device data integration onto their own projects.

The course covers the fundamental steps required to design complex distributed systems running on diverse platforms such as traditional web server containers , microservices architectures , cloud -native applications, as well as edge infrastructure or embedded devices. Participants will learn how to properly design controllers and repositories , configure relationships between components through message queues , manage endpoints with service discovery tools such as Eureka & Consul and build a full CI/CD pipeline using technologies like Jenkins & Artifactory . After completing this course , participants are expected to have a thorough understanding of distributed architecture principles , be able to create production ready RESTful web services & microservices utilizing the power of the spring ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a microservice?

A microservice is an architecture style for designing and building applications as a suite of independently deployable, fine-grained services that communicate through well-defined APIs.

What are the benefits of using Spring Boot & Spring Cloud to create Microservices?

With Spring Boot & Spring Cloud, developers can quickly create robust micro services that are easy to deploy and manage. Spring Boot & Spring Cloud also provide a range of features to help developers create reliable, scalable and secure applications.

Who is the instructor for this course?

The instructor of this course is Paulina Grunwald, an experienced software engineer with 10+ years of experience in developing cloud-native applications and microservices architecture. She has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and holds several industry certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional and Google Cloud Platform Certified Professional Architect.


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