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82% Off Practice Exams | AWS Certified Developer Associate 2023 | Udemy Review & Coupon

82% Off Practice Exams | AWS Certified Developer Associate 2023 | Udemy Review & Coupon

There are 390 quiz questions for the DVA-C02 test. Prepare for and pass the AWS Certified Developer Exam with practice.


The AWS Certified Developer Associate 2023 course offers learners access to six practice tests with a total of 390 questions, providing extensive opportunities for individuals to prepare for the actual exam. The course also offers full mobile access, allowing learners to study and review on the go at their convenience.

The instructor, Stephane Maarek, is a seasoned solutions architect, consultant, and developer with a wealth of experience in Big Data, Cloud, and API. Additionally, Abhishek, an established AWS veteran, has built successful SaaS and consumer solutions using AWS services since 2012.

With a 30-day money-back guarantee, learners can confidently enroll in this course, knowing that it offers excellent value and quality. With a focus on in-depth knowledge, detailed explanation, and practical experiences, learners can expect to gain a solid understanding of cloud-based applications, service APIs, debugging cloud-based applications, code for serverless applications, and application lifecycle management.

The sets of practice exams offer simulated exams with varying levels of difficulty that help learners understand the exam format, mode of questioning, and exam objectives. Students can also benefit from regular feedback and proper explanations, both of correct and incorrect answers.

Ultimately, this course offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to gain a highly sought-after AWS certification that can open up exciting career opportunities. With extensive study materials, online training, and hands-on experience, learners can confidently prepare for the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.


The AWS Certified Developer Architect Associate exam requires in-depth knowledge and a solid understanding of cloud-based applications, code for serverless applications, application lifecycle management, debugging cloud-based applications, and service APIs. As a content writer, tasked with writing about practice exams for this certification, I highly recommend the AWS Certified Developer Architect Associate practice exams course. This course is co-authored by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh, who have collective experience passing 18 AWS certifications.

The practice exams have been written from scratch to mimic the real exam tone and tenor. Detailed descriptions and "exam alerts" are provided within the explanations, along with extensive referencing of AWS documentation to get you up to speed on all domain areas being tested for the DVA-C02 exam. Additionally, 25 new questions have been added based on student feedback from the actual exam.

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The SQL Server database was migrated to an Amazon RDS database connected to a VPC located in a private subnet. The Java application that was previously hosted on-premise has now been relocated to an Amazon Lambda function.

What is the recommended method for connecting an AWS Lambda function to its RDS instance?

Lambda layers can be utilized to establish separate connections to the internet and RDS.

Lambda can be configured to connect to a public subnet to access the internet, while using a Security Group to access RDS located in a private subnet.

The RDS connection string can be passed in using Environment variables.

Lambda can be configured to connect to a VPC with a private subnet and Security Group that allows access to RDS.

Can you make a prediction? Please scroll below for the answer.

Correct: 4.

Correct option

It is possible to configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets within a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your account, along with the necessary security group to access RDS. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables the creation of a private network to host resources like databases, cache instances, or internal services. Connecting your lambda function to the VPC allows access to private resources during execution. When a function is linked to a VPC, Lambda generates an elastic network interface for each security group and subnet combination in the function's VPC configuration. Here is the correct method for granting RDS access to Lambda.

Incorrect options

Lambda layers can be utilized to connect to the internet and RDS separately by configuring the Lambda function to incorporate additional code and content through the layers. A layer is a compressed file in the ZIP format that encompasses libraries, a custom runtime, or other dependencies. Choosing layers for configuring access to an RDS instance is incorrect as it will not be effective.

The statement regarding configuring lambda to connect to the public subnet for internet access and using the Security Group to access RDS within the private subnet is incorrect. Connecting a Lambda function to a public subnet does not guarantee internet connectivity or a public IP address. In order for your function to have internet access, the VPC it's associated with must have a NAT gateway or NAT instance in a public subnet.

Environment variables can be utilized to securely store secrets and modify a function's behavior without requiring code updates, including for passing in the RDS connection string. Although environment variables can be used to transfer data with RDS, access to RDS is still required and cannot be obtained solely through environment variables.

The course is updated regularly, and all questions are scenario-based, just like the real exam. The practice tests cover difficulty levels, much like the actual exam. Each question has a detailed explanation, and there is support from instructors if you have questions. The course is also mobile-compatible with the Udemy app, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied. Trust the process and prepare to cross the winning line with absolute confidence.


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